A member of Doggpaw Ent.
Welcome to my website, courtesy of Fortunecity, I highly recomend them to anyone interested in starting a site on the net.
This site has many useful items within, at least I think them useful.
On this page there is information pertaining to the following:
- Roleplaying
- Vampire(both forms)
- Call of cthulu
- Mage the Accension
- Advance Dungeons and Dragons
- BattleTech
- Information on the world in Dark Ages times
This is for those Vampire: the Dark Ages storytellers that need but don't have time to research their given continent of city.
- I am also devoting a section of my site to Roleplayings Greatest Screwups so if you have any then Email me or the little Black smudges running around in my head whom are taking care of this area of my page with it and I will stick it up on there.
- Those of you that are The Prodigy fans can take a sticky beak at my Prodigy section...
- There is also information pertaining to Druids, and druidism for those wishing to have a look its a what to do and where to go place
- My chunk O StarTrek stuff, As i am a member of a PBeM Startrek Organization Ill do my bit to get it exposure
- The bit of my page where I sick all of the things I have scrolled or written on many a night shift
- I go where Letterman's writters care to peek, Top 30 lists for EVERY subject
under the sun
- Of course inevidably as on 99% of all sites there is information about Me
I tryed to be different but I got sucked in.....
Thats life Kiddies, I hope you enjoy your time here.
Copyright 1997 © DoggPaw Ent.